DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) brings together experts from a wide range of disciplines, institutions and generations to stimulate scientific exchange in chemical engineering, process engineering and biotechnology. They identify and evaluate emerging technological trends and facilitate the transfer of research results into industrial applications.
DECHEMA is the hub of an interdisciplinary network of topic-oriented committees, organizing events and professional development courses for all who are interested in a specialized subject area. DECHEMA has over 5.800 members - individuals, institutions and companies.
The Biotechnology Section and ProcessNet, the joint platform for chemical engineering, are the forums where scientists, engineers, students, companies and institutions meet for knowledge exchange and discussion.
Biotechnology and the bioeconomy have been focus areas of DECHEMA since the early 1970s. DECHEMA represents a national stakeholder network active in bioeconomy research and innovation activities and deals with facilitating and disseminating research and innovation in the sector on a daily basis. DECHEMA is involved in innovation management and grant application for numerous bioeconomy-related projects and has been working together with partners such as FNR (Agency for Renewable Resources) and DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt).
BTG Biomass Technology Group B.V.
BTG (short for BTG Biomass Technology Group B.V.) is a high-tech SME that was established at the University of Twente (NL) in the early eighties and privatised in 1987. The private company has a permanent staff of some 30 people, including technology researchers, implementation engineers, consultants and business developers that together cover the entire biomass value chain. The firm has some 35 years of experience operating in the bio-economy, developing and promoting technology and processes for the production of bioenergy, biofuels and bio-based products, combining academic intelligence with engineering skills and practical field experience.
BTG has structured its know-how services in two business units, Consultancy and Technology. BTG Consultancy provides advisory services and technical assistance (TA) to a.o. the industry, and offers full value chain analysis: biomass availability, logistics & pre-treatment, conversion, markets and applications. It also offers extensive knowledge of “gamma” aspects: sustainability, Life Cycle Assessments, financial analyses, legal and regulatory issues, etc. In addition, BTG helps in capacity building, through such formats as handbooks, training courses, workshops, webinars, digital maps, and other knowledge transfer platforms etc. for different target users.
BTG Technology is specialised in thermo-chemical biomass conversion,and develops innovative technologies, produces and supplies biomass pyrolysis liquids, designs & supplies small scale (test) units, and carries out contract research for the (petro-)chemical industry. BTG is developer of proprietary pyrolysis technology and of processes to produce bio-based products from fast pyrolysis liquids as green chemical intermediates.
Daughter company BTG-BTL was set-up in 2008 to commercialise BTG’s fast pyrolysis technology, which resulted in the demo plant EMPYRO, which is operational since May 2015 and has already produced several millions of litres of pyrolysis oil since its successful start-up.
Its long dedication to the valorisation of biomass and its commercial experience fostering a versatile biomass conversion technology from bench-scale to commercial scale makes BTG a well-known, well-connected and experienced actor in the European bioeconomy.

E4tech (UK) Ltd.
E4tech is a strategic consultancy focused on sustainable energy and materials, with offices in London and Lausanne. Since 1997 we have worked with companies, governments, and investors wanting to understand the global opportunities and challenges of clean energy, fuels and materials, building up a strong track record of providing strategic business and policy advice backed up by sound technical knowledge.
Successful sustainability solutions need to consider competing technologies, evolving policy environments and business and finance imperatives.
E4tech’s objective analysis and expertise provides evaluation of opportunities and risks in these disparate areas, guidance under uncertainty and support in taking the next steps.
Our multi-national and multi-lingual team of consultants have technical backgrounds, multi-disciplinary skills and experience in industry, consultancy and research. They are backed-up by our global network of experts, industry & government contacts, data sources and partner companies.
nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH
nova-Institute was founded as a private and independent institute in 1994. It is located in the Chemical Park Knapsack in Huerth, which lies at the heart of the chemical industry around Cologne (Germany).
For the last two decades, nova-Institute has been globally active in all matters surrounding the bio-based and CO2-based economy – feedstock availability, technoeconomic and environmental evaluation, market research, dissemination, project management and policy frameworks.
nova-Institute is a partner in various research projects within the fields of bio-based chemistry, materials and biotechnology. In its work it is surrounding, strengthening and completing the scientific and engineering work. Main areas of research and consultancy are market research and techno-economic evaluation on agricultural raw material supply.
Applications like bio-based chemistry, bio-based plastics and composites and industrial biotechnology are also the field of nova. These areas of specialist skills and competence include competition analysis along the whole value added chain from agricultural to the final product, feasibility and potential studies, marketing strategies and B2B communication. Additionally, nova works in the field of ecological evaluation including life cycle assessments (LCA) following ISO 14040 and 14044 as well as environmental impact assessments and sustainability assessments. The results help to assess the ecological, social and economic sustainability of raw materials, new bio-based products as well as new production processes and indicate opportunities for optimization. To round up the profile nova also is active in the field of dissemination and standardization of bio-based products.